I've finally gotten my dressage rider back. Tina hogged her for months and months as Mike held out hope that she would be the "Terrific Tina" to my "Fabulous Fred". I think they've decided she's as terrific as she's going to get for right now. Ridden dressage is more fun than driven. I find it easier to focus when I have undivided attention. Besides, my rider always sneaks me cookies, gives me pats, and tells me how fabulous I am.
I had just started being ridden again, when my rider went on vacation. She assures me that she thought of me the entire time she was gone and even offered photographic proof.
First, there was the city that borrowed from my name.
Then, evidence that I'm famous far and wide.

And finally, in case you were wondering about the photo at the start of this post, views that are nearly as fabulous as I am.
Fred... You are great... All is well... Keep it up