We've just finished another clinic with Coach Peter. It's been brutally hot here with record setting afternoon temperatures of 104 degrees. This meant early morning and evening lessons with the middle of the day set aside for napping under the trees.
Peter quickly figured out why Texans wear those funny looking cowboy hats. Check out the picture. You can hardly tell he's German! I told you, I'm all about inclusion. Antone and Peter can both be honorary Texans.
Peter quickly figured out why Texans wear those funny looking cowboy hats. Check out the picture. You can hardly tell he's German! I told you, I'm all about inclusion. Antone and Peter can both be honorary Texans.

The first day of the clinic is dressage practice. Someone forgot to tell Peter that I'm a cones and marathon specialist and I get put on the team with Ruff, Donovan, and Antone. I do my best to remind everyone why I don't do dressage. I look around for cones, and finding none proceed to daydream. My thoughts of fame and fortune keep getting interrupted by Mike's incessant commands though, and I'm glad when the lesson is over. I'm not really sure how the lesson went (wasn't paying close attention) but the other three horses practically drag me back to the barn and they're not being particularly friendly.
The next morning, Tuff is put in my spot next to Antone. (That's right, people! I'm a specialist!) They come back sometime later (I don't know how long. I was busy with hay) hot and tired but looking pleased with themselves. The same four are hooked up again in the evening. It looks like Antone is quickly improving and has earned a dressage spot.
The last morning of the clinic, I'm harnessed up. It's too hot for marathon, so I hope for cones practice. We head out towards the dressage field and I get a little panicky. It's only for warm-up, though and soon we head to the cones course.

Jerry, my personal videographer, is there to record my every fabulous move. Mike can watch it later and see the spots where he must get quicker to keep up with me.
The course is tight and challenging. I try to pick the route but Mike keeps insisting that he gets to choose. Ruff and Donovan do a good job. Antone surprises us all by mostly keeping up with me and working really hard. He's a pretty good partner and not nearly as bossy as Tuff. As long as he doesn't try to steal my thunder, I think he'll do.